One of the biggest debates in the world is- Team Dog or Team Cat. Everybody has there own opinions about which animal is better. I am personally a cat person, and it irks me when a person that does not like cats says "cats son't do anything", "they are creepy looking", "they are mean" etc. On behalf of cats I am here to defend them, and gives you reasons on why cats should be loved just as much as our dog friends, or any animal on this planet.
First off, cats are not mean. They may be a little sassy at times, because they are very independent animals. They don't need nobody to tell them what to do, because they already know what to do. In fact, cats are one of the most low maintenance pets anybody can own. They can pretty much take care of themselves, if they wanted to. They bathe themselves regularly, and don't need to go on dally walks.
Cats are also very therapeutic animals, many of us have heard a cat purr. And even if you don't like cats that much, you have to admit the sound of a purr is so soothing. research shows that a cats purr can lower blood pressure and promote bone strength due to the vibrations of the purr. A study also shows that owning a cat can reduce a person's anxiety and stress that they may have. Also research done by the University of Minnesota, stated that people who owned cats are 40% less likely to die from a heart attack.
They are also your person exterminator, catching unwanted pest in the house.On the topic of home, cats will fit right on in with the fam bam. They don't take up to much space, and they can sleep in your bed without taking up too much space. You could probably have five cats on your bed and soundly sleep, with enough space for you to roll around. If you want a pet they doesn't make too much noise, well a cat is perfect for you. Cats barely make any noise, and usually stay to themselves.
"Cats are so cold hearted that's why I don't want one." Cats can be very loving pets, it's just that, for some cats, it's takes a little bit of warming up. Think about when you meet a new person it's awkward a little in the beginning, sometimes the conversation fizzles out. With more conversations your best friends with the person, and you can take about anything. That's the same thing that goes on with some cats, but when they get used to there new environment in no time will they be purring,rolling around, rubbing against your cheek etc.
Lastly, they are so cute!
In the end you can like any animal that you want to like. Cats, in my opinion are just nice friends to have around. And yes I will be that crazy cat lady when I become older, and I am fine with that. All and all respect the cats.