One of the most common misconceptions is that dogs are better than cats. People will say that cats don't greet you at the door like your dogs do. Cats aren't loving. Cats aren't smart and can't learn their names. I have grown up around both cats and dogs, and love them both, so I can honestly say cats are just as good as their counterpart. Here are 5 of my reasons why.
1. Cats do greet you at your door.
Every time I come home for a visit from school, my cats come running up to me, right behind the dog, to greet me with a "meow" and rub up against my legs while waiting for a pet.
2. Cats are loving.
Just like dogs, they just show it in different ways. Sometimes they even hold each other's paws in their sleep.
3. Cats actually can learn their names.
We have 2 indoor/outdoor cats. Every night we call for them to come inside, and they come running. They even come when called from a second story window.
4. They actually love to cuddle.
Sometimes they aren't in the mood for snuggles, but you know they truly love you when they curl up on your stomach and start to purr or keep your feet warm at night.
5. Just like dogs, cats do like having their belly rubbed.
They're just more selective with who they let rub their stomachs -- they only let someone rub their belly if it's someone they trust and feel comfortable around.