I am a very opinionated person. Because of that, my views on things don't always match those of other people. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying maybe you should see things from this point of view.
We can all agree that the term dating is used very loosely these days, a lot of people are in the stages of "we're just talking", or "we're just hooking up;" a lot of us girls often don't know where we stand with the guy we are sorta kinda together with. I don't agree with that; I don't feel like anyone should be confused by where they stand. The whole middle stage just seems like a waste.
I feel like you should care about a person, rather than love him/her. I feel that caring about a person means more than using another term that is very loose these day, that term being, love. We all tell people we love them everyday, but do we actually in fact LOVE them? You can ask anybody what they think love is, and everyone will give you a different definition of love. I find a problem with that; I find a problem with the way love is used these days, and honestly if someone told me they loved me right after getting to know me, I'd run away. What I appreciate is someone who cares about me. I want someone who is going to see eye to eye with me, and when I"m upset, will make an attempt to help, not just say " i love you, that should make you feel better." While yes, having the attention and the emotions evoked with loving someone makes you feel like you are on cloud nine, the fact that s/he actually cares about you is what makes your heart fill with warmth, get the butterflies in your stomach, and all that other mushy stuff.
Caring about a person means way more than loving him/her after a few days or weeks. Caring about someone shows that you want what he wants, you want her to be happy, you want to feel the pain she feels, you want to give her a new nose when hers is runny; you just care. You fight with someone because you want something so much, you compromise because you don't want to upset someone. While, many people feel like that is loving someone, I disagree; I view love as something completely different.
I also understand we all have different ideas about what it means to care about someone, and I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just telling you to do it. Girls, no more being worried about what your relationship status is; if he cares, he's a good one to go after. If he doesn't, I wouldn't be wasting my time on another "I don't know what we are" guy.
Caring is much more important than loving someone, trust me.