Nintendo recently released its first app available on Apple and Android devices. It’s called Miitomo and has created quite the buzz. Users can create a Mii, which is a personalized version of yourself. You can alter how you Mii speaks to make them sound like you. You can add features such as wrinkles, glasses, and freckles to really capture the true you. The user can then dress their Mii, and earn style points which gain rewards.
The other big part of the app is the social aspect. Your Mii can interact with your friends! This game is seriously addicting because you always want to hear more and learn more about your friends. You can visit your friends rooms and answer questions that people usually don’t ask you such as “What fruit have you eaten the most of?” r “What was something embarrassing that happened to you recently?” These questions can be answered and seen by your friends. You can comment or give a heart to answers that you find amusing.
This app is all about social interaction. The more you interact, the more rewards you receive. You earn coins and points which you can then spend on new clothes for your Mii, or on the games. It is easy to lose track of time when you are busy writing and reading different answers.
You also can create Miifoto’s which are personalized photo’s of your Mii. You can add a picture from your phone or use one of the pre-set backgrounds. Then you add your Mii into the mix and change their facial expression and action. Add props and stickers if desired; you can really let your creativity run wild using Miifoto.
Miitomo has become a huge obsession for some people. My friend Mark even answered all of the possible questions that Nintendo created, so you could call him a super-fan! When asked about what he likes about the game he told me this. "Miitomo is a good way of learning more about people you vaguely know. While it is no substitute for having real conversations, I do enjoy seeing what others have to say about certain topics, even if they're joking around."
Not everyone is as passionate about Miitomo as Mark, however. The game does have some lacking things in my opinion such as additional games, and more ways to earn coins. My friend Zach M. had this to say about Miitomo. “I had fun with it for awhile, but once it started draining my battery worse than Facebook I had to stop.” It has been a common complaint that the game drains the phone’s battery pretty quickly. The game comes with a power-save option but it takes away from other features when used.
This game is a great way to get to know your friends better in a fun and interesting way. Miitomo has topped the app charts for the past two weeks. If Nintendo continues to add to this game, I suspect the numbers will stay that way for weeks to come.