If you're anything like me then getting yourself to the gym is a daily struggle. Most days I wake up and think "today is the day I am going to go to the gym" and then about 15 hours later my day usually ends with me telling myself some excuse as to why it was okay that going to the gym just didn't happen today.
I will try again tomorrow. But tomorrow I probably won't go to the gym and I will probably tell myself a new excuse to make not going to the gym seem okay. So for my future self, and for you, if you're in need of some new excuses, here are a few reasons I just can't ever seem to get myself to the gym.
1. I'm too tired.
I'm just going to sleep instead. People need sleep.
2. I'm too sore.
Getting out of bed is enough of a workout for me.
3. I just ate.
I am way too full to even think about moving.
4. I'm about to eat.
Well, I couldn't workout on an empty stomach, now could I?!
5. The gym is too crowded.
Every machine is always taken! There isn't any room for me to workout!
6. It's too hot.
I mean I would just workout outside but it is simply too hot for that.
7. It's too cold.
The walk to the gym is WAY too far in temperatures below freezing. I will just wait until the spring.
8. I have too much to do.
There is definitely no time for the gym today.
9. I have nothing to do.
If a miracle happens and somehow I have no work to do, I will be enjoying every minute of it being as lazy as possible and will definitely NOT be leaving my bed to go to the gym.
10. I'm about to go to class
There's no time to go before class. I'll just go after.
11. I just got out of class.
I am way too tired from class. I am just going to nap.
12. I won't have time to shower after.
I can't workout if I can't shower right after. I'd be all sweaty and gross!
13. My phone isn't charged.
My only workout today will be me running to my phone charger.
14. My earbuds are twisted in knots.
Untangling this is going to take about three hours and I definitely won't have time to go to the gym then.
15. My fit bit isn't charged.
If the steps I take at the gym aren't tracked on my fit bit, are they even worth it?
Maybe one of these days I'll actually get to the gym. But probably not.