It's that time of the year when school starts kicking everyone's butts and work becomes even more of a chore. College students everywhere are drowning in homework, and working crazy hours just to survive off of noodles and cheap wine. Did I mention not many of us are getting enough sleep? Are there enough hours in the day to get everything done? I don't think so. So don't be offended if I can't hang out with you. I have a good reason why, and I bet you can relate.
Sorry I can't...I have to work.
I work approximately five days a week, which includes weekends. That can add up to anywhere from 15-30 hours a week, and I have hardly any free time. I cannot imagine working 30+ hours a week and being a full-time student. I have a lot of respect for people who do full-time work and school! So, I'm sorry, but I cannot hang out with you tonight.
Sorry I can't...I have lab.
Being a science major, we spend hours upon hours in the lab. Most of my college career has been spent here. About 6-12 hours a week, not including lecture, arededicated to lab. While all my non-science major friends are out having lunch/coffee, or going to fun school events, I am stuck in lab purifying proteins, measuring magnetic force, sequencing DNA, and memorizing all the muscle insertions in the human body. Not to mention almost all of these labs have pre-lab assignments and videos, and a post-lab report; which takes hours to complete. So, I'm sorry, but I cannot hang out with you today.
Sorry I can't...I have homework.
Along with all this school work, comes homework. I spend almost every night I'm not working, doing homework. It's not the type of homework that takes an hour to do and your done. It's the homework that takes you hours to complete one problem. This is the homework you have to teach yourself, because your professor is behind in the syllabus. Side note: Khan Academy is the greatest learning tool ever! Just saying. So, I'm sorry, but I cannot hang out with you today.
Sorry I can't...I have a group project.
So when you do finish everything else on your to-do list, you remember you have a group project due, or you promised your classmates to meet up and work on the homework together. I guess your nice, comfy bed will have to wait a few more hours. So, I'm sorry, I cannot hang out tonight.
Sorry I can't...I'm going home.
Sometimes life throws a curve ball, and you have to go home. Everything else somehow comes together and you make the time for your family. Because family is important, and you should never take them for granted. School and work can wait, and your professors and employers should understand that. So, I'm sorry, but I cannot hang out this weekend.
Are you free (Fill in date/time here)?
Regardless how busy and crazy life is, you should always set time aside for fun and relaxing things! Hey, I cannot complain! I chose the path I'm currently stumbling upon, and I couldn't be happier! I love what I'm doing and I'm excited to see where life takes me! Enjoy the little things! Watch Netflix before you go to bed! Cook dinner for some friends! Go home and watch your siblings choir concerts, or basketball games. Tell your friends and family you love them! Don't miss out on family events. Do something you love! Fall in love! Read a book! Laugh at cat videos on YouTube! Watch the sunset! There are endless possibilities. Take a moment and realize all the good there is, how far you've come, and how you are one step closer to your goals.
Until next time, stay weird friends!