Calvin and his anthropomorphic pal Hobbes are two of the most iconic cartoon characters to exist. Created by Bill Watterson, the dynamic duo taught us so much with their stories and filled our days at the library with shenanigans, childhood wisdom and battle cries of “Yukon, Ho!” which inspired us to find our own Eureka. Calvin and Hobbes brought us other loved characters such as Mom, Dad, Susie Derkins and Rosalynn the Babysitter. They take us to another place far away from where we opened up the book of strips in the first place. Calvin and Hobbes’s ventures never left us empty handed nor too tired to be ready for the next one.
Here is what we learned from Calvin and Hobbes:
1. The greatest friendships have some of the most beautiful beginnings between the most unlikely people.
2. Moms put up with a lot—they are the world’s
greatest heroes. They continue to love us despite the headaches we give them.
Take time today to tell her that you love her.
3. Dad is always there to answer our questions no
matter where he might be or how busy he is.
4. Imagination and creativity found in all of us
are two of the world’s best super powers. Everyone has the ability to create
incredible things. Calvin and Hobbes taught us to never let die that love of
dreaming up the impossible.
5. The greatest gifts are too priceless to buy at a
6. Comics aren’t restricted to the classic four
panel strip.
7. Also, a lot can be told with only two speech
8. One of the most unique things that Bill
Watterson did with "Calvin and Hobbes" was that he wasn’t afraid to give readers
something to think about. With Calvin and Hobbes and their occasional
philosophizing, Watterson didn’t underestimate the willingness of readers to stop
and reflect because of a 6-year-old asking a question. Such as when we choose
to take time to think about in our daily lives,
or how incredibly small we are
compared to the creations found in the universe.
9. Watterson created Calvin for us to see that
it’s OK to be a little different. We need to have bold thinkers in this
world. Being so different might cause you to sound a little crazy. That’s OK too.
10. The underlying lesson found in all of Calvin and
Hobbes’s adventures is that the relationships we have in our lives are the
greatest adventures we could possibly go on.
Whether you discovered these two beloved
characters in your elementary school library or someone in your life loved you
enough to share them with you, "Calvin and Hobbes" will always stay with you. Mr.
Watterson, thank you for giving us two of the world’s best friends anyone could
hope to have. Calvin and Hobbes, thank you for teaching those lessons. Let’s
go on another adventure sometime.