Why Bugs Don't Bug Me | The Odyssey Online
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Why Bugs Don't Bug Me

I'm a crazy bug lover- here's a brief explanation as to why!

Why Bugs Don't Bug Me
Jacquelyn Sagasta

I study animal behavior. I'm also a big fan of some creatures that most people don't even think of as animals- insects. This group of organisms is one of the least respected, least studied, and least liked in the animal kingdom despite their importance. I'm currently involved in a research study trying to figure out why people dislike insects so much, and I'm here to give you a few reasons for why I think they're so cool.

1. Their diversity. Different insects have adapted to survive in so many different conditions- beetles have hardened elytra (wings) in order to keep them dry from rain. Flies have special halteres (wings) specialized for balancing, grasshoppers have the perfect legs for jumping to new blades of grass, and so on. These animals are survivors- and they have adapted to be so incredibly different!

2. Their importance. While I don't believe that the reason for an animal's importance should lie among its relation to humans, I do know that insects are vital to human survival and health. Did you know we wouldn't have over half of our produce without bees alone? Pollinators are vital to our food markets here in the US. Insects are also the source of food for a large number of organisms on the planet (including humans). The list goes on and that is only a minor summary of the imperative of role these animals play within our world.

3. Their abundance. While it's almost impossible to estimate the exact number of species of insects on the planet with new species being discovered daily, there is no doubt that they are the most abundant. With their short lifespans, adaptability, and ability to fill the tiniest niches in the tiniest of places, insects are everywhere.

While I could go on for a lifetime explaining to you why we should respect insects, I'd rather tell you some of the coolest things I can think of about some of the most incredible animals I know.

Queen termites. A queen termite's abdomen is about the length of your index finger, and about as wide as a bratwurst. In fact, her abdomen is so large that she is immobile. The worker termites must bring her everything she needs to survive, and her sole purpose is to lay eggs her entire life. That's right- these babies are egg laying machines. The most mighty of queen termites can lay up to 30,000 eggs a day! They also have a life span of up to 50 years. So, if we do the math here, that's about 547 million eggs in a lifetime... Imagine having that many siblings.

Leaf-cutter ants. Humans are the only animals (yes that's right- humans are animals too) on the planet that farm and cultivate their food, correct? Incorrect. Leaf cutter ants have very advanced societies where they cultivate a fungus by chewing up certain types of leaves, spitting them out, and waiting for the fungus to grow. They even have waste chambers under their colonies just like a garbage dump.

Corn crickets. THESE INSECTS ARE MASSIVE! I once saw a number of them while driving down a South African road- that's right- they are so big you can see them from your window. They also turn cannibalistic when they have a lack of food. Interesting 'little' guys.

I could quite honestly go on for days sharing facts about insects, but I know I'd bore you. My motto is that all creatures deserve equal love and respect, and I hope that you agree more with that statement after reading this article than you did before.

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