Blue and green eyes are beautiful. The classic American sweetheart look — blonde hair and blue eyes. Blue and green make up the colors of the sky, the ocean and money, and we’re all super happy for you. But brown eyes are just as pretty! Brown eyes deserve a moment, too! It hurts their feelings when you compare them to poo.
Emma Watson is bae and she has brown eyes.
Coconuts are brown and they grow on tropical islands, which is awesome. What better place to be than on the beach?
Brown is the same color as chocolate.
Footballs are brown and footballs are symbols of Texas, and there’s nothing better. So obviously people with brown eyes are awesome.
Brown eyes look super pretty with any color eye shadow, especially purple!
Keira Knightley rocks the brown eyes, and she got to make out with Johnny Depp.
Queen Bey has brown eyes and she slays on the daily, so clearly brown eyes give you superpowers.
So next time you catch yourself looking on Instagram at pictures of models with dark hair and crystal blue eyes, and you open a new tab to search for colored contacts, remember that your brown eyes are gorgeous and they will have their spotlight in the media soon enough. Brown is pretty and so are you!