Hogwarts. Like everything in the Harry Potter universe, it is something that every HP nerd longs to experience. But, like everything in the Harry Potter universe, it isn’t real. Consequently, we are left waving around sticks as if they’re wands and jumping around on brooms pretending that we are flying.
However, for 1,000 students attending Briar Cliff University in Sioux City, IA, the Hogwarts experience is not as unattainable as they might think. For, in my three years at the school, I have come to find that there are numerous similarities between the institutions, perhaps the most obvious one being that someone is murdered almost every year.
Just kidding.
Without any further ado, here are my top 5 reasons Briar Cliff is the Hogwarts of the Midwestern US:
1. No one in the real world knows who we are or where we are.
In the HP universe, no one outside of the wizarding world has the slightest idea what Hogwarts is. Even if a wizard/witch accidentally mentioned it, a muggle would probably think they were talking about some sort of swine STD.
Similarly, as every Briar Cliff student can attest, whenever they go home for the holidays and family members ask where they go to school, their answers will be instantly followed by a barrage of "what's", "huh’s", and "where is that’s."
2. Both schools are surrounded by spooky/wild beings.
At Hogwarts, students were repeatedly exposed to dangerous creatures like trolls, centaurs, and ghosts. Here at Briar Cliff, we experience similar dangers from fearless deer, vicious pigeons, and ghosts. Yes, ghosts. As any RA who has had to go up to 4th Noonan at night can tell you, ghosts are real, and they are here.
3. Every school year is eventful
Whether it be the chamber of secrets, a goblet of fire, Dumbledore’s murder, or the Battle of Hogwarts, not a year went by in the HP universe in which some sort of infamous incident occurred. Briar Cliff has also had its fair share of equally traumatic incidences.
In recent memory, there was the time Jesus was stolen from the nativity scene, as well as the Water Main Break of 2014. Then, of course, there was the unforgettable Power Outage of 2016 that happened a week ago. It was a very emotional and trying day in which Briar Cliff Students had to go half a day without wi-fi and electricity. So tragic.
4. Yearly competitions that show everyone’s true colors
In the wizarding world, there is the Tri-Wizard Tournament. At Briar Cliff, there is “Gotcha.” Being the victor of either will result in having “eternal glory.” However, along the way to victory numerous friendships will be ruined and many people will die.
5. The students can be divided up into four distinct groups.
At Briar Cliff, there are four dorm buildings. Each one has its own identity that parallels the various identities of the four houses at Hogwarts.
First, we have Noonan Hall, the Slytherin of Briar Cliff. It’s full of troublemakers and hooligans that have no regard for rules.
Second, there is Baxter Hall which houses the Ravenclaws of BCU. The people that reside here are known for their academics and intellect since living there requires a good GPA.
Third, we have Alverno, which is home to the beloved Gryffindors. In Alverno there lies all manner of students: upperclassmen, lowerclassmen, smart people, less smart people, but the underlying characteristic of any of them is that they are good people and have great school spirit.
Lastly, there is Toller Hall, the Hufflepuffs of the campus. Within it, there are only freshmen, and like Hufflepuffs, nobody cares about freshmen.
Now I also realize that numerous differences exist between the two schools. For example, at Briar Cliff you can't turn people you don't like into ferrets, the food doesn't magically appear before you, and the sentence, "we were saved from giant spiders by my flying car," would be the last thing you said before were put into drug addiction counseling. But it's not how they are different but how they are alike that truly matters. And the greatest similarity between these two institutions is that they are a home away from home for all who attend.