Everyone has their own opinions on breastfeeding. That is why the choice is mine. We have bigger and better things to be worried about than a child eating. Here are some things to think about:
1. Because it’s a woman’s choice.
If women want to choose to breastfeed that is perfectly fine, it’s no different than choosing to formula feed. You are still providing your baby with the nourishment they need.
2. Because newborns have to eat so many times a day.
Newborns usually eat every 2 hours but that can vary from child to child and as they grow their eating schedules change.
3. Because you shouldn’t have to hide in a bathroom where it’s super unsanitary.
Who eats in a bathroom? I don’t. I don’t understand why people think it’s okay for mothers to breastfeed in a bathroom if they aren’t cool with eating there themselves.
4. Because who eats with a cover over their face?
Some people may argue why not just where a cover? Well if you aren’t comfortable with eating with your face covered, why should my baby be?
5. Because breastfeeding is not sexy.
People sexualize boobs and sure, they can be used for that purpose, but I don’t get why people like to sexualize breastfeeding. I'm feeding my child and not what sick minds are thinking. It’s okay for women to be half naked for no reason, but when someone is feeding their child there’s an uproar.
6. Because it is natural.
Before formula was invented, what do you think babies ate? People may argue, well, so is using the bathroom. Sure, that is natural too but you can hold it in and find a bathroom. Eating is completely different and should be done in a sanatary setting.
Because you should just mind your own business - if breastfeeding in public is my choice, let me be. If you don’t agree with it, cool, that's your choice.