Spring break in college comes with mixed emotions. It is a week you desperately need because it is common to have exams right before break. Allowing a fresh start after the break with a rejuvenated spirit to finish out the semester. However, I am not lucky enough to experience that fresh start.
You see I went through hell week AKA the entire month of February anticipating spring break. Telling myself to keep pushing because soon I would be on a beach, and it would all be worth it. As I was checking my calendar the week before break I noticed the as soon as I get back from break I have not only two exams, but a speech to give as well.
It was like someone turned the lights out on my party.
I lost all motivation to finish out before spring break strong and felt almost obligated to study over my break. Now I know damn well my professors will not be doing class related things over their break, so why should I? Then it hit me… I am the student and that is what is expected of me. The whole spill about how “everyone pays their dues” and “we were all there at some point”. I am not buying it though. I have always been a firm believer in the idea that education comes first; however, when I feel guilty for spending time with my family that is where something is wrong.
This same thing happened to me during Thanksgiving Break.
I busted my butt before break only to come back to feeling behind and unprepared for finals which were right around the corner. I felt guilty for going on vacation with my family and ignoring my academic responsibilities. This type of feeling and behavior is unhealthy, but there is nothing I can do about it.
I do believe there is a way to balance classes and a personal life, but professors make that extremely hard while constantly slamming us with exams. I should not, and will not ruin my vacation because a professor has zero consideration for the fact that students have a life outside of the academic setting.