The "Gossip Girl" series may be over, but Blair Waldorf's iconic character lives in our hearts forever. Blair was the queen of the Upper East Side, and a character you either loved or hated. She taught us everything we needed to know about life, love and of course, how to score a Chuck Bass. So the next time you feel a bit lost and are in need of guidance, look no further than to the Queen B herself.
As I spend my Sunday avoiding my homework and other adult responsibilities, I realized that I've watched this series over and over about a million times. Sadly, there isn't a Blair quote I don't know, so I came up with a list of a few favorites. You know you love her...xoxo
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Blair Waldorf never failed to let anyone and everyone know that she was in charge, and that wasn't changing anytime soon.
Because who needs a king when you're already the queen?
Not cocky, but most definitely confident. Nothing could ever stand between Waldorf woman and a goal.
Finals are coming up? Yup. Same, Blair!
An all-time favorite and a quote that I always find myself living by. Things are never as bad as one may think and could always be worse.
In a world full of Barney's and Bloomingdale's, this couldn't be closer to the truth. Retail therapy is always a must, and no one did that better than Blair Waldorf.
Considering the fact that I am a FIDM student, I figured this is the most appropriate and relatable Blair quote, and probably the deepest, too.
Blair is not one to be messed with. I always try to channel her boldness in all aspects of my life.