"Sense8" is an American sci-fi drama series created for Netflix, by The Wachowskis, who are known for “The Matrix” series and the 2012 award-winning film “Cloud Atlas.” The series stars a multinational cast, who portray eight strangers from different parts of the world who find out they are ‘sensates,’ hence the title of the show. The term in this series means they are mentally and emotionally linked, a very significant aspect of the show’s plot.
The show notably explores subjects which are not present in most sci-fi shows, such as politics, identity, sexuality, gender and religion. It also is an outstanding portrayal of connectivity and the universal human experience. The show is ambitious and an emotional roller-coaster as it tugs at your heartstrings and the inner workings of your mind.
The complex first season, consisting of 12 episodes, was released on Netflix back in June of 2015. It immediately hooked viewers and created a devoted fanbase, which greatly appreciated the show’s time-consuming filming process, since the series is shot almost entirely on location in a multitude of cities around the world.
An early Christmas gift arrived with shock and utter joy, when the trailer for a Christmas Special was posted on the "Sense8" Facebook page. Netflix released the 2-hour Christmas Special last Friday on December 23rd, along with the announcement that season 2, consisting of 10 episodes, is set to be released on May 5th, 2017. That’s nearly 2 years awaiting a second season for loyal fans, like myself.
The Christmas Special truly exceeded my own expectations. It was an amazing episode, which served as not only the continuation of where the first season left off, but as a captivating introduction to the events that will be further developed in the rest of season 2.
Most Christmas specials of TV shows rarely give viewers more than comedic relief and an episode filled with smiles and laughs, separate from the tension and conflicts occurring in the show. The "Sense8" Christmas Special, however, is perhaps the most outstanding and captivating Christmas Special ever to be done for a show. It provides more dramatic tension and vulnerability, and pure emotion, than any "Sense8" fan could have hoped for. We root for our beloved sensates and to experience a celebration of their shared birthday, along with the cheer of Christmas, amidst all of the danger and emotional tension is truly a well-crafted Christmas Special.
I do not want to give any spoilers away for those who have yet to watch the Christmas Special, but this show is honestly one of a kind and I cannot recommend enough to give this show a try.