Late last week, another video surfaced that displayed presidential candidate, Donald Trump, talking about women in a crude, disgusting way. This tape was worse than previous discussions Trump has had about women because it brings into question Trump’s understanding of consent (or lack thereof.) As deeply disturbing as I find this, and trust me, it goes down deep, there is something worse.
As my Facebook feed filled with news articles about the tape’s release on Friday night, both Clinton and Trump fans were putting in their two cents. And I was mostly pleased by what I saw. (Especially Paul Ryan’s reaction… Bravo.) But I also saw something that made me so mad, I hopped out of bed and began typing this article.
In the comment sections, avid Trump supporters were attacking Hillary viciously… for her husband’s infidelity… Let me say that again. People were attacking Hillary for Bill’s infidelity.
There are two reasons why I find this so upsetting.
The people who made these comments are clearly disgusted by Bill Clinton’s actions. And rightly so. They were wrong, they were immoral, and they disgraced the sanctity that is the office of the president. So, you defend Donald Trump’s disgusting actions by saying another man did something equally as disgusting. Good one.
However, the pure lack of logic is really not as worrisome as what follows.
My question to these people is… What century are we living in???? News flash: The year is 2016 and women are no longer considered property! Isn’t that great? A woman is her own person, outside of the person her husband is. A woman can no longer be defined by her husband or his actions! A woman can be strong and intelligent and even run for president if she wants!
Hillary Clinton is not Bill. She cannot and should not be held accountable for his actions. They are individuals first and partners second. How anyone could attempt to degrade her based on her husband’s infidelity truly defies logic. It represents a deep misogyny, arguably worse than Trump’s vile comments about women.
Bill Clinton is not running for president, so his record is irrelevant here. I guess since Tiger Woods once cheated on his wife, Hillary is not qualified for president, right? So, please think before you hurl around insults: One erratic, obnoxious misogynist is more than enough.