Finally summer has come! With summer comes warm weather, less responsibilities, no school, and most importantly Big Brother. Big Brother will be on for a nineteenth season starting on June 28th on CBS and will provide enough drama to satisfy you for a lifetime. If you've never seen the best summer show on the planet, then it's time for you to check it out. Big Brother is a reality game show where strangers are locked inside a house with no outside contact for the chance to win $500,000. Every week, a Head of Household (HOH) competition is held and the winner gets to nominate two other housemates for eviction. However, they have a chance to save themselves with the veto completion where the winner can choose to take down one houseguest which means the HOH nominates another houseguest. The house votes on who to evict and then the week starts all over again. As simple as I've made the show sound, it's a lot more complex than that and it is guaranteed to keep you entertained throughout your summer because:
The Drama
The show is based around drama. The houseguests are from all different lifestyles which means that they are bound to fight. The competitions results in a constant change in power which makes people get paranoid. In addition, they have no one else to talk to besides their fellow housemates which makes them start to go stir crazy. Backstabbing is normal in the Big Brother house and it stirs up plenty of drama creating a fight in the majority of the episodes.
The Houseguests
One of the best things about Big Brother is the variety of people that go on the show. They are very LGBTQ friendly and welcome all races to compete. The Big Brother house makes everyone be on the same level and you will judge people based on their actions in the house rather than what they look like. You'll have your favorite houseguests, the ones you can't wait to get evicted, and then the floaters. The floaters are the houseguests that don't win competitions and don't really contribute much to the game; however, you know that they can still create the drama you need.
The Competitions
It's on Three Days a Week
That's right, Big Brother is on three days a week: Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday! Each episode is an hour long and you'll be thankful that you don't have to wait one whole week to see more drama. Every Thursday is a live episode where a houseguest gets evicted. The breaks in-between episodes will leave you wanting more and counting down the days until the next episode.
The Showmances
It's not Big Brother with at least one showmance each season. A showmance is when two of the houseguest begin to date while in the Big Brother house. They ultimately become a big target, but you know that it wouldn't be the same if their wasn't a love connection in the house. Whatever new showmance will appear this season it will never beat Jeff and Jordan's or Brendan and Rachel's showmances.
The Chenbot
The host of Big Brother is none other than Julie Chen. She was given the name Chenbot for delivering her lines the same every week. You'll love Julie for this and without her "But first" line it wouldn't be Big Brother. Without the Chenbot, their is no Big Brother.
The Alliances
Of course throwing a bunch of strangers in the house will make people paranoid especially when money is involved. Some of the houseguest become immediate friends while others irritate each other. This leads to the houseguests creating alliances. The best part is the alliance names they come up with. Some of the best include: Chilltown, the Quackpack, the Detonators, the Brigade, Ball Smashers, and of course Brenchel.
The Twists
Every season of Big Brother is full of twists. Something that changes the game in a major way that makes the houseguests panic and cause them to backstab their friends. Every season is a new twist, so you'll never know how Big Brother will be different for the year. This helps keep the show fresh and new.
Every Big Brother fan lives for the episode that Zingbot comes in. Zingbot is a robot that comes in to roast the houseguests for the things that they've done throughout the summer. He normally comes in when there's at least half of the houseguests left. His jokes are so corny, yet so accurate towards the houseguests. And of course you'll love at the end of the joke when he goes "ZIIIINNGGGG!"
Big Brother is the best television show on over the summer. There's never a dull moment and the drama will keep you on the edge of your seat. So enjoy your summer, BUT FIRST make sure to check out Big Brother.