Other campuses create mobs and are out for blood the minute there are rumors of clowns roaming their home. At Bowling Green, we would never dream of letting a clown rattle us. Seeing people in masks is apart of our every day routine. Even the fact that Bowling Green is in the middle of a cornfield scares off the weak, then the brutal winter makes us stronger. Here are a few reasons why Bowling Green has been training for he clown epidemic since 1910!
1. SicSic
The only thing BGSU students do not like about the clowns is that they do not spoil us with Laffy Taffy. People walking around wearing masks is nothing new to us, we have been seeing it for over 70 years with SicSic. I wonder how that idea came up:
"Ok yes, BG needs a group of people who wear masks around school and put signs all over campus.. but so people do not get scared of us, lets give our candy... PERFECT!"
2. The famous BG wind
Wearing a dress in Bowling Green is a dangerous game because you have a 50/50 chance of flashing someone, so I suggest always wearing cute underwear. Umbrellas do not stand a chance either, but if your small enough you can hope that the wind will pick you up so you could fly to your next class.
3. Oak Grove Cemetery
Where is the perfect place to put a cemetery? Right in the middle of a college campus! It is especially creepy on a foggy October morning when there are rumors of clowns roaming around, but us being BG students-- we really do not care.
4. The "beheading" ceremony
The ceremony itself is completely normal, revealing who our mascots are and recognizing all of their hard work as Freddie and Freida Falcon are is great! However, you feel a little uncomfortable telling your friends that this weekend you are going to a beheading ceremony.
5. Ziggython
Standing on your feet for 24 hours? No Problem! Riding your bike for 180 miles? Bring it on! We will do anything 'For The Kids!'
6. The Vagina Rock
I will not lie, this one does scare me a little bit.
7. Dollar drink nights
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday! Then of course everyone is going to go out on Friday and Saturday. We are not afraid, but our livers should be.
8. Living in Kreischer or Harshman
Poor little Freshmen, have no idea what they are getting themselves into. Half of Harshman is closed down because of mold, but does that stop people from calling the quad home sweet home? Never! Does the far walk to classes scare them away? Nope!