Like millions of working class Americans, over the last sixth months, after a rigorous set of debates and examination of candidate policies, I voted for Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders in the Democratic Primary. I was of the view that he was best suited to deliver real political change in which millions of working class Americans would be given the opportunity to achieve and realize their highest aspirations. Nevertheless, despite the fact that Bernie far exceeded the expectations of the media and the political establishment, it is now clear that he will not gain the Democratic nomination for President of the United States.
After a long fought battle, it is now clear that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will the Democratic Party’s nominee. I understand the pain of Bernie Sanders supporters, I understand that people are sick of establishment politicians, but Hillary Clinton is much more than simply an establishment politician. She is a superb, well-qualified candidate with a vision that will lift the middle class. She supports many of Bernie’s goals. Bernie wants to implement college affordability through tuition free public colleges. Hillary Clinton supports tuition-free community colleges and debt-free tuition at public colleges through her college compact. While this is not fully what Bernie supports, this would be a gigantic step forward.
Donald Trump on the other hand, has far fewer qualifications. He incites racial tensions by criticizing federal judges based on their race. This undermines respect for the Judicial Branch, especially since the president is supposed to execute the law. There are serious doubts that he respects limitations on the presidential powers.
Hillary Clinton seeks to bring us together regardless of our background, while Donald Trump seeks to divide us based on race. America is a nation where individuals from any walk of life are able to come, and if they work hard enough, achieve their highest aspirations. We are a light in the darkness in many parts of the world; we are a light that gives people hope. Hope that they discover purpose and meaning.
Hillary Clinton would embrace these individuals and continue to promote the richness of diversity and allow them to contribute to the America that I am proud to call home. We are not a nation of walls, we are a nation that breaks down barriers to allow individuals to reach their dreams, even if it against the odds. Hillary Clinton would further the genesis of America as embodied in the Statute of Liberty, not a wall on the Mexican border.
Bernie Sanders has brought individuals together from all walks of life to demand real reform and change. Hillary Clinton shares Bernie’s vision. Donald Trump intends to stoke anger. People are mad at the establishment and Donald Trump promises to destroy such establishment. People need to consider the consequences of these far-fetched promises made by Donald Trump. While Bernie seeks change through unity, Donald Trump seeks to change through division. If one truly shares the values espoused by Bernie Sanders, the answer in November is clear. Please join me in voting for Hillary Rodham Clinton.