I just wanted to take a moment to remind you all of one of the greatest and simplest joys we have in our lives: the fine art of dance.
I don't mean serious dancing, like as a profession or anything. That's included, but for the rest of you two-left-footed souls out there, I mean dancing as an expression of life.
You know that Irish proverb? The one that says, "Dance as if no one were watching, sing as if no one were listening, and live every day as if it were your last." It's beautifully stated, simple to remember, not so easy to actually do.
Growing up, every morning before I left for school my dad would say to me, "Carpe diem, seize the day baby." That basically means take advantage of whatever life brings that specific day; don't wait around for something good to come along. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today, and treat today like it's your last day on earth and all that jazz.
That's much easier said than done. Living life to the fullest is definitely a goal I think we all have, but something very few people actually do. Typically, we don't. We have our day to day routines that we fall into the habit of just waking up and doing, without really putting in any thought to living. And we have our exciting events, like parties and spontaneous concerts and dates and all those fun weekend activities that brighten up our lives and give us something to look forward to, something to live for. That's all fine and dandy, and makes the most sense seeing how much work we all have to do during the week and the pressures that surround our lives. The weekend is obviously an awesome time to let loose and live it up, and take advantage of the specialness that comes along with it. However, I'm here to let you in on a little secret: that exclusive wonder that these significant events bring is available to you 24/7. See, I've found that the trick to really living, to carpe-ing that diem and seizing each day, is to look for the magic in the ordinary of your life. And that my friend, is where dance comes in.
Take a quick break, blast some awesome, groovable song, (I recommend "Never Gets Old" by Penguin Prison or "Mr. Brightside" by The Killers), and shake your sillies out.
All right. Beautiful. You rock. I hope you felt free, I hope you sang along, and I hope your neighbors were thoroughly annoyed. Most importantly, I hope it made you happy, if at least just for the chorus of the song.
The awesome part of that little exercise, was that it was so insanely simple, yet (hopefully) produced so much joy. Dancing is just movement, nothing more, but it evokes so much from happiness from people. I guess what I'm trying to say, as a summary of my giant rant, is that if you can learn to find joy in every simple detail in your life, as you do in dancing, you'll end up becoming the happiest person you know. So, tomorrow, when you wake up, get excited over the fact that you woke up. Look for the melody in your alarm, and try to appreciate it. Note the colors in your toothpaste, and wonder at how they blend together in such a splendid way. It's so easy to see the beauty in our world and the magic in our lives if we just take the time and look for it, and as that Irish saying tells us, it all starts with a little dance.
Carpe diem, seize the day, and rock on my darlings. You, your life, and your dance moves, are all significantly awesome, and that's majorly rad.