Girls that laugh a lot get a bad rap. We get pushed to the side and labeled as annoying or unintelligent because pretty much anything will make us laugh. I've had many a person tell me that I just need to be more serious. We laugh at mishaps, at corny jokes, at BuzzFeed articles. Everything. Maybe this isn't a bad thing. Yes, there are times when our laughter is out of place and we work hard to make sure we never offend anyone by laughing at them. We just love to laugh. We love the feeling that we have so much joy inside of us that our bodies can't contain it. Laughter is overflow of joy from the heart. There is nothing wrong with finding joy in the little things. Laughing at bad puns doesn't mean you are too stupid to laugh at more intelligent jokes (as if there is some type of intellectual hierarchy of jokes... PUH-LEASE). Laughing at videos of people slipping on ice may be questionable, but we really hope they are okay in the end.
Here's the thing: laughter is the best feeling in the world. Don't fight me on this, it just is. Laughter is this God-given medicine that melts sorrows and dulls pain, even if just for a moment. There's an old Irish Proverb that says, "A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything." I couldn't agree more. Us girls that laugh all of the time have got to be some of the healthiest people on the planet if this is true. We should also have really good abs from all of that being doubled over in laughter, although I don't think mine are going to show up anytime soon...
The point of this article is to tell you that you are intelligent and vast and important, even when you cry with laughter every time you watch Nacho Libre. We aren't just dumb girls with no real sense of humor. In fact, we are all of the humor in the world. So here's to you. Here's to the girls who think Phineas and Ferb is comedic genius. The one's who are ridiculously excited to see the new Ghostbusters. The one's who watch gifs of people falling when they are sad. You bring joy and life and light to the world. Never stop laughing. Never let anyone put that light out. Go forth and laugh.