Born and raised in the South, my family has lived in Mississippi for hundreds of years. I call Biloxi my home and I am proud to be a resident of the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Yes, I love my sweet tea and I love my fishing and seafood. But what home has taught me the most about is something you wouldn't think is abundant in these parts: acceptance.
Now, for most of you folk, you are probably thinking right now, "Andrew, the South is some of the most prejudiced and backwards parts of the country, if not the worst." Well to those of you who say that, I say shame on you. The Gulf Coast culture has taught me hospitality and I'm not just talking about inviting your buddy over for some dinner or helping Ms. Daisy up the street with her yard work. I'm talking about understanding people from any race, creed, or sexual orientation.
I have grown up knowing gay people, and I sure as heck have grown up knowing Muslims. Let me tell you now, I love both of these people because hey, they are HUMANS too! We have been so caught up lately with trying to divide ourselves based on the three things I mentioned above, and it's about time we put an end to all of it. We have to love everyone, and I will mention a minority I feel has not been talked about enough: convicts.
Yep, there, I said it. We NEED to love prisoners, too. They could use it the most because society has shunned them away and we have just tried to put them away like some broken toy. Yes, all crimes are awful and I do not condone any illegal activities whatsoever. But do I believe in second chances? I sure as heck do! The Good Lord put forgiveness in our lives as a means of a loophole to counteract hate. But we are humans, and sometimes we can't look past some things that occur.
But my point is, people, we need to love each other now more than ever. Our country has become a divided joke among the world and we need to show everyone that we can be just like everyone else and start to love instead of hate.