No Back Problems
This is really a two for oner-- Pat yourself on the back. You not only don't experience the back pain many large-breasted women do, but you have better posture because your front isn't weighing your body down.
Easier to find a bra
Cheap bras? Tops with built-in ones? Bandeaus? Lacy ones that offer minimal support? That bright pink polka-dot training bra catch your eye? Get it! In the bra aisle, you have options, many options. Don't want to wear a bra? That's A(cup) OK.
Clothing fits normally
No button gap. Not having to buy a bigger shirt because it won't fit properly. No custom orders for bras or other clothing.Long necklaces lay flat—not bounce around you while you walk
No need to remind someone where your eyes are
Roller-Coasters won't feel like the end is near
It seems you always have just a little bit more fun than your friends who have big boobs.
Better nights sleeping
It won’t feel like your body is trying to suffocate you when you lay on your back so sleeping is much better
Working out (and sports bras) is a lot more comfortable
You can actually run upstairs or run at all without the fear of getting a black eye from your boobs
or at least very minimal, either way, its a win.