So, I have officially been in college for two years and still as single as I was when I left high school behind. There are days when I get upset about that, and then there are days when I realize that it is pretty freaking awesome. Here are a few of the reasons I am happy I am single, both serious and hilarious:
1. Time:
Time is something that I for sure do not have enough of. Between being a student, working two jobs, and an internship, there is barely any left over time for me to do the things that I enjoy most. Now don’t get me wrong, I love everything I do- okay well most of the time- but there just never seems to be enough time to get everything done, so why would I want to add in another person’s life into that little bit of time.
2. Cleanliness:
Keeping things clean and perfect it a little hard when you don’t have enough time in your life. You can leave your dishes in the sink or your underwear on the floor in the bathroom without worrying about your significant other judging you for it. That also means that you don’t have to worry about the chores always being done.
3. Sharing:
We all learned as kids that sharing was caring, but sharing is also for people who can afford it. Now I am one to open my house and share some things, but not everything, so I know I’m not ready for that “what’s mine is yours and what’s yours in mine” crap. No, I bought the ten-piece nugget meal with a large sweet tea, and I will eat every last crumb of it. Also, don’t ask me to share my pillows either. There is a reason there are ten on my bed, find your own.
4. Jokes:
So, we all know that we are the funniest people we know, so why have somebody around to steal your thunder, or judge you? I know that I crack myself up on the regular and most people look at me like I have two heads or something when I tell them the funny joke or story. I would much rather enjoy my humor than have to pretend to enjoy somebody else’s jokes.
5. ME:
All jokes aside, I love being single because it has helped me find out who “me” is. I have seen some many peers jump from relationship to relationship because they don’t understand how to be alone. For a while there, I did struggle with it. I felt like there was something wrong with me, like for some reason I wasn’t good enough, and then I realized, people just aren’t ready to handle the force that is me. These days I find myself laughing at the girl who cried in her room because all of her roommates were out on a date or doing something with their significant other, wishing I could tell her that it isn’t everything that the movies make it out to be. Spending time on yourself and doing the things that make you happy is something that you should enjoy while you can.
Once a week I try and do something just for me. Every other week I go and get my nails done and a little treat after class. Other times I’ll go out to eat alone and enjoy some of my favorite things- this is one of my favorite things to do because I don’t have to worry about where other people want to go or what they can and can’t eat. It is a meal where I go where I want when I want and get what I want. I have learned that is the small things that make being single so awesome. Yeah, there are days where I just wish there was somebody by my side that would take me on a nice date or do some cheesy couple thing, and those days suck a lot. But, there are the days when I thank the moon and the stars that I get just to be me, worry about just me, and live a life that makes me happy. Sometimes these are the things you need because, in a world full of hate, there is nobody out there who will love and respect you as much as you do.