"You are so pretty!"
"You look so good tonight."
"You have the prettiest smile."
"You have a rockin bod girl."
Don't all those compliments sound so good? Don't we love being told we are pretty, that we have a nice body, or that we have a good booty? Of course we love it, but it is not enough. Why are we settling for this outward affirmation of ourselves?
Why does someone else telling us that we look good validate ourselves? Why do we settle for being told that we are just pretty on the outside?
As I have gotten older, and I am not that old, I am only 21 but I feel wise saying that, anyways, as I have gotten older the idea of just being pretty on the outside has fulfilled me less and less. Just being "pretty" is not enough to me anymore because I want to be recognized more for my heart, my mind, and my character rather than my physical exterior.
One day I am going to be old and wrinkled, the body that I have busted my tail for in the gym is probably going to be covered and RARELY seen, and I won't have the latest Kylie Jenner lip kit. The looks that people compliment won't be there anymore.
Sure, old people can be pretty, but what truly makes them beautiful is their soul, their mind, their character, and the story they are leaving behind.
Our looks fade, our soul does not.