It is a full-time job to build yourself up. Self-care habits and self-empowerment are promoted as if they are so easy to maintain. In reality, it is not so simple to always have such a mindset and it's okay. It is okay not to always be positive, I don't define myself as an optimist. I strive to be an optimist. Note that you have the responsibility to yourself to choose the energy you surround yourself with. If you are struggling with being positive here are some reasons why.
1. The priorities you set
Many of the things we convince ourselves are important can be one of the many reasons why are not satisfied in life. Think about your priorities and how different your life could be without them.
2. Being unaccepting of ourselves
We are the hardest on ourselves and it takes a hard toll on our happiness. Embrace every part of yourself, we are not perfect but you are perfectly you and that's perfect.
3. The people you surround yourself with affect you
Energy feeds off of energy, pay attention to the people you keep close to you. Not everyone is a good aspect of your life. Most people are not going to encourage you or empower you yet tear you down.
4. What you tell yourself
Telling yourself that yourself not your not enough tears you down. Making mistakes is okay but try to tell yourself something different when you are being hard on yourself. For example: "It's okay I was late to class. I'm proud I was able to get out of bed today"
5. You give up
We fail. That is apart of life. Giving up on things is a bigger failure because you convince yourself that you can never make it or achieve it or accomplish it. Your thoughts turn into words and yours words turn into action.
6. You limit yourself
By giving up. You limit yourself and you begin going after many of the things that do not make you happy and do not reward you.
7. You dwell in the past
"Your perception of yourself affects your vibe. Love yourself, be confident in your looks, express your talents, let your good vibes flow."