To me, the key to happiness is two things: good health and good company. With these two things, I firmly believe that someone is able to reach that full state of happiness. I would be nowhere without my dear friends, family, and a good mental and physical state. Being positive has changed my life for the better. I look forward to my days now rather than before where I had something to complain about. Being wrapped up in a negative environment can lead you into having a negative mindset. It is important that we are taking care of our mental health as much as our physical health too. We are like artists where we are working on our canvases every day (ourselves). The saying, "Wake up and smell the coffee" applies to this.
Being positive has made me look on the bright side of things. There's more to life than an argument that won't even matter in 3 years or receiving a bad grade on an exam. We all have our bad days, don't get me wrong. However, it is crucial that we remember that we are growing up to be the adults we want to become. With that being said, this should consist of responsibility and having fun. In order to grow, we have to learn. It is important that we ask ourselves, "what is the good in this bad situation?" because it allows us to positively and critically think.
Surrounding yourself with good and positive people will always help you in the long run. They are here to support you and enjoy life with you. Your friends and family watch you grow and learn from your mistakes. They are also there to watch you succeed and experience some of the greatest moments in your life. These are the people that you should be grateful to have in your life. I think it is important to confide in your friends and spend time with them. It allows us to get outside of the house and do life with people who equally want you in theirs.
There are no cons to being positive and everyone should be able to achieve it. Through the tough times, remember that when one door closes, another one will always open. Going through hell and back will shape you in the end. Being positive will make you fully appreciate everything that is around you and not sweat the small stuff. It is important that we are living in the present and surrounding ourselves with things that make us happy. It will be a great feeling when you realize that you are more at peace with yourself. You can focus on important things, your mind is clearer, less stressed, etc. Feelings of negativity will begin to fade away and you will feel good about yourself. For me, I find happiness in going to the beach, hiking, being with my loved ones, and having good health.