Some people may cringe at the idea of being stranded on an island for 39 days, battling the elements of nature and trying to find food. Taking part in this show had led many people to realize just how strong they truly are, others being lucky enough to win a million dollars. The idea of being able to see the true potential in oneself and accomplish tasks that were once thought to be impossible is exciting a nd is a huge motivation to be on the show. While the idea of participating in the tv show Survivor may not be everyone's cup of tea, it's my dream to take part in this once in a lifetime adventure.
As a little girl I would watch Survivor with my parents, having my own favorite contestants that I wanted to see win the million dollar prize. As time progressed, we started to watch the show together less and less until recently when I realized the popular tv show was on Hulu and I began watching once again. If I never once had the thought of trying to apply for the show, I definitely have the excitement and motivation to try to apply now that I've started watching the show again. While I know the chances of being selected aren't the greatest, it would be cool to be able to tell people "I was a contestant on Survivor" someday.
My biggest motivation to try to be selected for this show is that it would give me the opportunity to see what I'm able to accomplish. Can I make a fire by myself? Would I be able to find food? Could I outwit, outplay, and outlast the other contestants? I would never know unless I tried and was selected to be on the show. I watched many of the seasons recently and I feel that this would be an opportunity I would never regret being able to have. It takes a lot from a person to be able to win this show, including; strategy, successful social skills, endurance, a strong mental focus, and more. No matter the outcome, I would have to be proud of myself for.
Another advantage of being able to be on this show is that it presents the ability to travel to a location I otherwise may not be able to go to. Past contestants have gone to many exciting locations such as Fiji, Cambodia, China, and many more. Being a college student presents the opportunity to be able to study abroad, but how many people can say that they've been on Survivor? The answer to that is 498, just in case you were wondering. All in all, while being on the show would be physically draining and possibly mentally and emotionally difficult, it still presents an opportunity that very few people can say they have been able to experience and I would love to be able to have this opportunity.