Happy: feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.
This word is overly used and under felt, if that makes sense? Basically what I mean with this is that everyone speaks the word happy as if it is something they are endlessly seeking to achieve or simply just impossible to attain. The truth is, for most of us, happiness is right in front of you.
Where is it you might ask? It is something inside of all of us that we have to discover and learn. This is an ideal I stand by. It takes time and patience. One of the main obstacles one must overcome is dropping the what-have's and could-be's and begin focusing on the now. With this I mean being fully present. It is human nature to remember the past and obsess over the destiny of your future, but most times we disregard the present moment we are truly in. An abundance of remarkable occurrences passes us by when we don’t focus on this. I can testify to this because I am a real living example of learning happiness the hard way.
You may think it’s cashing your paycheck on Friday or even getting an A on your chemistry exam. I know I did. While these things contribute to your happiness, they don’t keep you fulfilled. Being happy starts with you, when you choose to do it and when you realize happy looks best on you. It’s how you react to a situation or handle an arising issue. When you see that everything doesn’t have to be perfect, but the imperfect is beautiful as well. You learn more about yourself instead of the reality TV show you binge watch. You simply stop waiting and start doing. You let go of the comparing, judging, anger, regrets, worrying, fear and just live life for what is. In the end, aren’t these things a waste of time and energy anyway?
Think about how much trouble it is to be unhappy. If you consider this for a minute, you literally have to put so much more energy into negativity than you do positivity. You constantly harbor unresolved issues, think about bad memories and just focus on the unhealthy. These things never help you get through those tough times. If anything, they weigh you down even more. Like I mentioned before, it is human nature to at times not see the bright side in a situation, but it is important you learn to work through that. Happiness comes with focusing on the good and not the bad. It begins with you.
Happiness radiates. We all have those exceptionally outgoing and enthusiastic people in our lives. Does anyone else wish they could be that positive about everything? I know I do. Thankfully, when I am around these kind of people it inspires me to be that way as well. Their attitude spreads, encourages and enlightens those of us that are natural pessimists. I’m urged to remember that happiness is an option that I can make and not hope to just eventually accomplish. You realize that life is better as an optimistic and content person. That happiness is in fact, a choice.
Make being happy a priority. Choose to be happy in this moment instead of questioning what will make you feel it in the future. It’s a chore to remember that your happiness stems internally and not materialistically. I stand by the fact though that it is a chore that pays off extremely well. Then eventually, it won’t be anything you have to work at anymore, but rather an ordinary occurrence. As said by Gautama Buddha, “There is no path to happiness; happiness is the path.” With that, make happiness your path, not your destination.