The world: a beautiful gift that everyday, is wasted on people who are too preoccupied hating people who are different then them. Everyday is a gift, so to wake up and persecute and put down people who don't match your beliefs or what one person sees fit disgraceful.
Nobody in this world is exactly the same as another person, but there are some characteristics of people that make them stand out more than others, whether it be sexuality, race, religion, ethnicity, and the list goes on. Here's a list of some people or groups of people who are different and as a result of this, deserve to be treated like less then human.
Caitlyn Jenner: Caitlyn, formerly known as Bruce, Jenner is a recently male to female transgender American. Due to her being transgender, she deserves to be treated horribly. I mean, she deserves to be treated like scum just terribly cause why not, she's different.
LGBT Community: The LGBT community involves everyone who is not a heterosexual, again making them different. Don't even get me started on how horrible these people are! I mean, how dare they think that marriage equality and being able to love who you love is acceptable! Makes me ashamed. Again, they're different, so they deserve to be treated horribly.
African Americans: African Americans are Americans who have a darker skin pigmentation then white Americans.God forbid somebody has a different skin color then you, you feel compelled to treat them in a disgusting manner. But I mean hey, why wouldn't you, they're different after all.
Muslims: Don't even get me started on Muslims. They're the worst group of them all. Since there have been terrorist attacks from Muslims, it's perfectly acceptable to treat them all like terrorists because that makes perfectly logical sense. I mean, because one white American steals a car we should consider all white Americans car thieves and discriminate them to no end, right? Right, because they're what? You guessed it: different!!!
I hope by now that not only is the trend clear, but so is the message: people are different, and that's OK. Not everybody has to fit this exact mold of what a human should be, or what an American should be, or what a Christian should be, etc. There is not set mold of who a person should be. Love who you love, practice what you believe in, and unless you have something nice to say, for the sake of everyone around you, keep your mouth shut. And if that proves to be too difficult for you, thankfully technology has advanced tremendously so you can google maps the nearest store and buy a roll of duct tape to keep your heinous comments to yourself.
This is just my opinion on what is wrong with the world. Tell me what you think is wrong, and what you plan to do to change it.