Now a days it is extremely hard to find someone that speaks more than two languages.
I guess as we start to embrace other cultures we forget about our past ones. Some friends of mine whose parents are hispanics don't know how to speak or write in Spanish. When I ask why they always seem to give me the same reason, "my parents never thought it was important to teach me and now its too late." It is so sad to know that when someone does speak another language we consider them strange and poke fun at them because of their accents, when it reality they are better than us in different languages.
I, myself sometimes also get made fun of because although I speak english, Spanish will and has always been my first language. I used to try my hardest to hide my accent when I was younger because I really wanted to fit in.Now I embrace it proudly. I was taught how to properly read and write it since i was young. In my house it is rare when something other than Spanish is spoken. Although both my parents speak english, they strongly believe that speaking Spanish will help both my brother and I not forget it or start speaking spaninglish (a mix of both english and Spanish). I thank them every time I have for it. I fully suggest that you go ahead and try to learn a new language, one you find interesting. It is never too late to learn and in case you are a little hesitant, here are five reasons why being bilingual is the best thing ever:
1. Your chances of getting a job increase.
Believe me on this! It's true! People who speak more than two languages have a higher chance of getting a job than those who don't. Usually owners of stores always want someone who has more skills, and knowing a language is one of them. It gives you the chance to communicate with costumers and increase the sales. Now a days it is more impressive if you do speak another language because let's face it, our generation doesn't really put the time in effort in trying new things.
2. You get to meet new people.
When you speak another language, your surroundings expand. The people who you wouldn't normally talk to because you didn't know their language can now become friends. It gives you the chance to talk to people who speak the language you now learn, and it also helps you learn about their culture and their traditions.
3. You get bragging rights.
This one is my favorite one to be honest. I get to go around and showing people my amazing Spanish skills. Whenever some of my friends and I go to a place where someone only speaks Spanish,I am the one who gets to talk to them and later on brag to my friends about how it was only possible for me to do that because I know Spanish. At this point they just roll their eyes at me,
4. The curse words!
If I had a penny every time someone asked me how to curse in Spanish, I would be able to buy a mansion with 100 dogs in it. In my opinion cursing in Spanish is so much better; not only are the curse words better, but when you say them they sound supper badass. I won't share any on here because I'm trying to be professional, but if you're curious go right ahead and do your research.
5. You can travel to more countries without looking like a total tourist.
When you speak another language, you get to travel more countries and actual communicate with the people rather than either using google translator with half of the time doesn't even get the translation right, or using face and hand motions which just make you look really odd. Please don't do that. It makes everyone feel really awkward.
So there you have it. I hope at this point you are already Googling a language you are interested in learning (or the Spanish curse words. Look up the Mexican ones, those are the ones I know by heart). Have fun!