The decision on what major to choose in college is one that weighs over students' heads for years. Even after they get to college sometimes they're still not sure. With all the choices and factors that you have to contemplate, it's enough to drive any teenager crazy. That decision is hard enough on its own, but what about when you have people constantly bashing your choice? Hearing "Are you sure?" and "But what about this...?" when you're just trying to follow what you think is right, is so unbelievably hard. This is the life of an Education Major.
Whenever I tell someone I'm studying to become a teacher I hear the same things over and over again. It's usually along the lines of how teachers don't make that much money (as if I didn't already know that.) Well, if you are studying to receive a degree in something just so you can make a lot of money, I feel sorry for you. I strive to be happy and fulfilled, not rolling in money. I want to come home from a long day at work, sit down and think "Wow, I made a difference in someone's life today." And that, to me, is worth more than all the money in the world.
Have you ever had a teacher so great that they made a subject that you usually found unbearable, actually enjoyable? Or maybe a teacher that was so funny they made your day even just a little bit better? What about a teacher who inspired you to believe in yourself? Whether it was something as monumental as that or just a funny memory that you still remember from 9th grade, teachers are so important. We spend the first 18 years of our lives in school, sometimes we find ourselves in the classroom more often than in our own house. Don't ever tell me that a teacher is not an important job.
Although people may think differently, teachers work hard. Their workday isn't limited to when the bell rings. I'll work before the students get to class, and I'll work long after the students go home. I'll work weekends and I'll work on holiday breaks. I'll grade papers while I eat dinner, and I'll make lesson plans on the train home. I'll be somebody who works to make other people's lives better, and it's going to be hard... but I'm definitely up for the challenge.
I'm a teacher. An educator. I will teach and lead the future of America, I will give them ideas to let them think creatively. I will inspire them to reach for their dreams and never stop believing. I will instill values of love, acceptance, and equality into their everyday lives. There's something so special about having a student look up to you and tell you "You inspire me," and I want to hear it every day for the rest of my life.