What makes a person an adventurist? In simple terms, an adventurist is someone who seeks adventure. They commence the chaos, and fight to make the world a little less dull. One who loves adventure. Really, anyone can be an adventurist if they want to be.
“Once in a while it really hits people that they don't have to experience the world in the way they have been told to.” Alan Keightley.
Those with adventurous hearts are the ones who know how to take in the experiences they're having and fully appreciate them. Having the will to discover new places, cities, cultures and ways a life can often times requires a lot of courage that not many people have. Adventurists have dreams and aspirations and are committed to them. Whether it may be opening a business, quitting their job and traveling the world, or making a difference in a persons' life -- whatever the dream may be, and adventurist will surely conquer it. They are positive within reality and don't hesitate when it comes to truly living.
Being adventurous means that you are willing the take risks and even try out new methods, ideas, or experiences. An adventurous person finds the beauty within every situation. They don't have to travel far to have fun, but will jump on any type of opportunity they have to get out and explore. Most importantly, I believe, is that most adventurists you meet are not concerned about outside opinions of others. They are open, and understand what it's like to be different.
The point of this is that I encourage everyone to bring out their inner adventurist. It doesn't mean that you have to quit your job and take off somewhere new for a year. It means that you shouldn't be afraid to try new experiences, meet new people. Everyone should channel their inner adventurist to fully experience life in a way you can't achieve just from the plain old daily routine. Maybe you are scared of traveling, maybe you don't like trying new things -- but it never hurts to try, to explore, and to be fully yourself. If there is one thing that I have learned from adventuring is that no adventure is too small or too big, all that matters is that you take in every second of being there and being alive. With those words in mind, you won't be disappointed.