All my family members tell me, "Don't worry, you'll find someone soon." I always nod and laugh awkwardly and say,"Thank you." But lately I have realized that it's really okay if it isn't soon.
I have always been the girl who has been in a relationship and "needed" one to be sincerely happy. My friends would all agree that it got to be pretty annoying. (Sorry guys) I can honestly say I have never been at a point in my life where I was completely content by myself, meaning not in a relationship.
But lately I have finally started to find myself. I'm learning where my passions truly are and my work ethic has never been so apparent.
I AM HAPPY. And I haven't been able to say that for awhile. I have been battling with mental illness since my junior year of high school, and relationships have always been a good distraction. I now realize that this was not a healthy way to deal with my mental illness. They do always say that "hindsight is 20/20." It really is, but I would much rather have found that out a little later in life than not at all.
So, being 21, single, and in my senior year of college has really been a huge blessing. I am happy. I am for the first time in my life focusing on me and making sure that I can be happy with myself, by MYSELF. So, for those of you twenty-somethings that feel as if you are falling behind in life because you haven't found a "forever partner" yet, please DON'T! Even though you may feel as if the real world is just around the corner and that everyone else around you has their futures' all planned, the majority of us don't! And that is OKAY. Take time to just breathe. Go out on a Wednesday night when you have an 8 a.m. class the next morning. BECAUSE YOU CAN. And this is the time to meet all kinds of people! Go out on dates just to see what want and need in a partner, more importantly find out what you definitely don't want/need in a partner!
Life is a crazy ride, and our twenties is a time to do what we want! Make mistakes. Learn from them. JUST BE YOU, and you will eventually find your way. You will find your forever partner when the time is right.
Live. Laugh. and LOVE YOURSELF.