There’s this big open road where you can see miles upon miles of sandy plateaus with grassy patches dispersed throughout, with clouds getting lost in the sky, and an ink pavement that shoots straight down the middle of your sight. In the beginning, you can walk right on down the pavement as easily as you ever will find, but as you go on, it appears the colors seem to dim ever so slightly and the lines begin to blur unsuspectingly. As time goes on, the colors bleed into one another, losing their vibrant hues collectively, and descending into an ebony abyss.
Now, your sight will do you no good, you must rely completely on feeling. In this world there is only the ink cloak draped all around you and it dares you to take a step forward. Can you? Well you do. You take a harmless step forward, what transpires is this illumination on the floor. You can now see what that small light encompasses. So you take another unknowing step. You see even more of what is truly around you. The urge to discover what you once thought you knew now becomes enticing, enthralling you in an excitement that jumpstarts your heart to a forever flutter!
Discovery is at the helm of your mind now and all you can think of is, “what else is out there?” in a pitch black world, does it look the same to everyone else once it’s uncovered? Ambition takes over and you march through the darkness with enthusiasm, so far you’ve uncovered territory you thought you knew before, but, now, you find different meaning in it. You see these things as they truly are now, there is no overlooking what they really stand for, and inside, you feel a mix of emotions stirring. Why?
Is it because all your life up until this moment your whole vision of the world has changed? What and who you thought was normal, bad, good, evil, turns out to be the opposite or not as expected? When you stumble upon a deadly creature in these dark shadows, you see it in a new light, it is not as bad as once thought, or once told. You’ve actually taken a liking to it. Things you thought you liked before turn out to be things you were only suppose to like. What is “normal” is actually a mere construction. Real life, as it turns out, is just a matter of your perception and there is no step-by-step way of moving through it. You realize you do have choices to make and somehow that freedom makes it all the more scary.
You could walk on and on, exploring as much as you can, but you will never shed light on everything. You will leave areas uncovered. You will leave areas unknown. And you have to accept that it is okay. It is impossible for us to understand everything out the world we live in, to experience everything that we want to, to understand ourselves completely. We are constantly changing in a world that just so happens to be constantly changing too. So, our likes, dislikes, tastes, preferences, loves, will all change. Some will be painful to come to terms with, some will be exciting, some will be a surprise. We live in an ever changing life, with never ending choices. It’s okay to be afraid, unsure, and doubtful. It’s okay to change your mind, change yourself into who you want to be, it’s okay to fail and make mistakes.
So don’t be afraid of those blurring colors, of that black abyss, of those new discoveries, and changes. It’s how you find out who you are. It’s how you find out what you can see. The way you see our world will be different from anyone else and that is something to never be ashamed of. Fearful yes, at first, but be proud afterward. Go discover what no one else can and shed light in someone else’s world.