when you come to college it isn't hard to feel overwhelmed very quickly. You start to think that you have no free time and all you do is homework. I suggest that you try something new like try out for a sport or join a club and below you will find a list of reasons why.
1. You can learn new things.
- You can join a sport that you never thought you could play but always wanted to . You could learn about different cultures in a diversity club. be like Tin and go to the sporting events and you may find that you enjoy watching the players.
2. You Can meet new people.
- Just like Tina does when she goes to the supermarket, you can meet new people that you click with. they can turn out to be your new best friend or someone who has a lot of common interests with you.
3. It could the thing that you are really good at.
- Like Gene with cheerleading you could find out your special talent by getting involved. Maybe you are really good at hiking or a sport like cheerleading or basketball. you never know until you try.
4. You can find out who you are.
- You can find out something about yourself that you may have not know before maybe your confidence could be unlocked.
5. It's better than sitting in your room doing nothing.
- If you don't do anything you eventually will get bored and feel like you are wasting your time. you don't want to look back on your college career and just see nights spent in your room. You will feel like your pooped its pants.