One of the biggest arguments I get in is whether or not Batman is a superhero. I simply believe he is not because he lacks superpowers, but people disagree with that logic. People typically say if Batman is not a superhero, than neither is comic book figure "xyz," and get mad when I agree. I do not feel it is disrespectful to not consider him a superhero, but people act like I disgraced their family with that statement.
Wikipedia constitutes a superhero as a type of costumed, heroic character who possesses supernatural or superhuman powers, yet Batman still gets thrown in.
Whereas other superheroes have these things called superpowers, Batman does not have that luxury. Instead, he must rely on gadgets like a normal person because that is what he is. He just has great abilities.
If there were tiers for ranking heroes, and superheroes were at the top, then Batman would be in the tier below superheroes. There is nothing wrong with that, he just does not fit the qualifications (having superpowers) to fit the description.
Whereas Donald Trump uses his massive fortune for wealth, Batman uses it for good, therefore making him Trump’s good twin. Both have their fans and detractors and both get much more credit than they deserve.
I will give Batman credit because despite being a billionaire, he is in the streets getting his hands dirty. Instead of using his wealth to help better the streets and lower the crime rate, he developed his weapons and took matters into his own hands. Forgetting bettering your community in the long run, just take people out is the Batman motto. Batman possesses the power and infrastructure to create jobs and income for the city, but he uses his money to upgrade his weaponry.
While he is successful in Gotham City, I believe Batman would get pulverized by superheroes and villains in other cartoons. The fact that Superman does not just murder Batman, despite the fact he should, is extremely frustrating. I truly believe a plethora of cartoon characters from Goku to Bubbles from Powerpuff Girls would destroy Batman.
I respect Batman and his fan base, but I will never consider him a superhero. If he teaches himself how to breathe fire or to run at the speed of light, I would gladly oblige.