I am not a big fan of baby steps.
Actually, it's one of my least favorite words along with reasonable, realistic and compromise. Baby steps are neither efficient nor effective.
In fact, I think baby steps are just a way of fooling ourselves into believing we are moving towards our goals when in fact we are completely in resistance mode. Because if there wasn't any resistance to going after what you want, you would just do it, right? The fact that you are making a pros and cons list, changing your mind every two seconds, and feeling totally paralyzed is a sign that resistance has set in.
Now, there is nothing wrong with resistance. In fact, being in a state of total resistance is a sign that you are moving through old beliefs and into new states of being. It's an important sign on your journey and one of my all-time favorite obstacles to help women move through.
But I would be damned to hear of one person who is making huge impact in the world right now who took baby steps to get there.
Every single story I have heard from powerful women who went from nothing to everything has the same common theme––a major leap of faith. A massive action towards their goals. A full-throttle push in the direction of their dreams.
You can't dabble in something and expect greatness.
The inherent trait of baby steps is that they are low-risk. And anything that is low-risk is also low-reward. Which is why baby steps don't work. Because once you've taken the 30 millionth baby step forward and you are nowhere near where you want to be, you give up.
And if you think about it, this makes sense. Baby steps are a way of staying safe, of not having to change your beliefs, of pretending to be fully immersed in your dreams while secretly ... not. There's no way you can go from $0 to $100k in your business in one year with baby steps. There's no way you can change your life with baby steps. That's just not the way it works.
But in our society, we like baby steps. We think that by taking a baby step, we are lessening the resistance and the more baby steps we take the less resistance we will experience.
Unfortunately, that's not how resistance works. Resistance will be present whether you are taking a big step or a small one. Lucky for us, if we take massive action despite our resistance, it gets substantially easier. It's the law of energy.
Resistance is not the enemy. Playing small is.
Now, of course, baby steps are better than nothing. But don't let good be the enemy of great. Greatness is your birthright, but in order for it to happen you have to act like your success is inevitable (which it is).
Now go change the world, okay?