There is no denying it: autumn dominates the four season cycle. I've loved this season ever since I was a baby (as you can see from the header photo). Most – if not all – people look forward to the months when the leaves change for so many reasons. Here are a few of those factors that make autumn so irresistible.
1) It's so pretty!
Don’t even try fight with me on this. Fall foliage is one of the most beautiful sights this earth provides. It’s almost magical to see this kind of metamorphosis. Just look at how perfect it is!
2) Everything smells like heaven.
Just take one stroll into Bath & Body Works between the months of August and November and you’ll understand what I mean. I wait with bated breath for scents like “Leaves” and “Frosted Cranberry” and now that it’s finally time, you can bet I’ll be spending at least $20 on Wallflower refills. Don’t judge me.
3) The basic Starbucks drinks make their return (and I'm okay with that).
Autumn and PSLs are synonymous, at least for me. You can’t have cooling temperatures without pumpkin everything (although I will also settle for Toasted Graham or Salted Caramel). You just can’t get better that sitting around a campfire with a cozy hoodie and a warm beverage, which leads me to…
4) Sweater weather!
This is definitely the most important reason as to why I love autumn: the fashion scene is just so strong! With temperatures in the 50s, it brings out the knitted sweaters and scarves all featured in warm, muted hues. You just can’t complain when it comes to fall clothing!
5) Campus comes alive again.
It’s back-to-school time, but at our age, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Everyone congregates back on campus, and it finally feels like home again (even though I won’t be there this semester, and I’m sort of sad about it…). It’s such a relief to be able to see the friends I’ve been separated from for four months, and the events on campus to kick off the new semester always make me feel like I belong.
6) The holidays are the epitome of perfection.
I’m fortunate enough to have a fall birthday (September 29th, in case you were wondering), so naturally, I have to show a little bit of favoritism, but autumn also houses a few other little holidays that people are partial to. Break out the Jack Skellington decorations because Halloween is coming up. Better find those perfect costumes for the Howl because it’s going to be here before you know it. And finally, my favorite holiday, Thanksgiving, is coming around the corner too. It’s one of the few times of the year that my entire family is one place. It’s such a beautiful time.
I think we can all agree that fall is a wonderful season. It’s the calm before the storm that is winter. The world is alive with colors. The temperatures are perfect. The clothes are a gift from heaven. Autumn is simply perfect.
Nature photos courtesy of National Geographic ©.