Its not all about the cute scrubs....
When it comes to choosing your major or career path many people struggle on deciding what direction they want to take their lives. From a young age we are asked the question "What do you want to be when you grow up?" For some a sense of uncertainty overwhelms them because they simply don't know, while others change their mind numerous times. Fortunately, for me, my answer has never changed. As I enter my Junior year of college I can still say with confidence and pride that it is my ultimate dream to become a Nurse.
When I tell people I want to be a Nurse I am always struck with a similar look and one of the three statements: "I could never be a Nurse", "You really want to work those long hours?!", or "Good luck studying .. forever". To me becoming a Nurse is so much more than working long hours, or spending my college years in a library. It is about making a difference in someone's life, and getting up in the morning knowing I am working one of the most rewarding jobs out there. So yeah, I may have to give up a Saturday night to study or I might have to work all night and sleep during the day, but to me we sacrifice small things to gain even bigger things.
It takes a very special person to be a Nurse, and I don't mean that if you don't want to be a Nurse you aren't special. I mean that it takes someone with countless hours of patience, compassion, resilience, and of course a big heart. It takes a person willing to wake up everyday ready to take on the unknown. It takes a person able to see people come in and out of this world in a matter of seconds. It takes a person willing to give so much without much appreciation. It takes a person that I aspire to be everyday.
While some still struggle with where they want to take their lives and nursing isn't everyones number one job choice, to me its a title I will be proud to wear one day. How many people can say when they come home from work that they helped someone live another day? While some people may never understand why I want to chose a job that requires endless amount of dedication, and sleepless nights, I know the short term stresses will be worth it for a career of long term successes.
I aspire to become a nurse because not only am I given the opportunity to change others lives, it will change mine.