Within the past few years, I've noticed one huge thing - people are extremely quick to judge. Of course even, I tend to judge some people on their actions, but why should we? Nobody knows the life story of every single person alive, so why are we making it seem like what someone is doing is bad instead of just letting them be?
Why are we judging people on the food they eat? Me, being a small kid, loves to pig out all the time. I never refuse a piece of pizza or a cup of ice cream. BUT when I'm around multiple people, I seem to feel the need to say no to the foods that I would instead love to have when everyone else declines the offer for some delicious food. Why do I say no? Because I'm afraid of my surrounding peers judging me for consuming a few extra hundred calories. I personally know that I'll work those greasy foods off at the gym by using the stair climber and elliptical, but all the others don't. The kind of world that we live in is that some people would rather either remain hungry instead of having to reach out and grab that second piece of pizza while everyone else is full after a single slice. Why are we so quick judging others diets when we all know that we pig out from one time to another?
Why do we judge other for the jobs that they have? Sure, I proudly work at a baseball stadium and sell 50/50 raffle tickets, but why are you judging me for my minimum wage job when I strongly enjoy each minute I get paid to watch baseball and converse with dozens of fans a night? Of course your internship with the most popular industry is something I would strive to work at, but just because my job doesn't come with all the glamor and connections yours might, I definitely love going to work when you sometimes groan in the car on the way there.
Of course, I get strongly judged on my lack of knowledge within politics. I'm sorry but I just really do not have any clue what happens besides who the candidates are. That is my decision to not do more research, not yours to judge me. So next time you ask me who I'm voting for and I say I'm not even registered, don't roll your eyes and say my vote matters because I can guarantee even if I did vote you'd fight me on who I did vote for anyway.
Also, don't judge me for the clothes I wear. No, I am not the kind of girl who is going to wear a beautiful outfit every single day, I can barely muscle up enough energy to put on jean shorts most of the time. And yes, I do shop at old navy, target and all the discount stores you can image. I refuse to spend 65 dollars on a pair of jeans rather than spend 65 dollars on 3 pairs. No don't judge me for that, I'm just a smart shopper and a bargain buyer instead of blowing the small amount of money I make.
Lastly, please do not judge me for anything that I'm a fan of. Do not judge me for the country music that I listen to, EDM, rap or any of those sorts. Do not judge me that I love the Hunger Games, One Tree Hill, or Football. All the different kinds of entertainment that I enjoy will not always coincide with the types of entertainment that you like. Yes, I think Zac Brown and Carrie Underwood are the two top Country artists, but when I say that don't try and tell me that you think that Country is crap. Just acknowledge my decisions, don't judge them, because I believe that a lot of the shows, music, and movies you enjoy definitely are pretty lame as well.
Why judge people when all of us have our own personal opinions? We're all different and that makes us unique, but instead of keeping that in mind, we all try and be the superior person and put others down to feel good. Why do that? Why not try and accept others and let them do them? Sure it's a hard offer to accept but everyone definitely shouldn't be as harsh as we all are at the moment.