The dog days of summer are officially here, it's getting hotter than hell its self and it does not seem to be slowing down. With that said we are also granted with plentiful days within the summer as college students on break. As well all know this time is used in various ways such as internships, vacations, and hanging out with friends. Yet, no one talks about the downside of having to work back to back in the summer not having enough time to spend with friends and even family. Personally, I believe once you hit 18 you have to get the ball rolling in terms of providing for yourself whether it be 20%, 80 % or 100%. And that means making sacrifices, some that you want to take and others not so much. This summer I am working two jobs. if you were to tell me this at 17 years old I would think that would be impossible in my circumstance. Not that it would be impossible but I thought I would be too busy, and I was, in fact, right, With this summer I get one day off if I am lucky, and do not take it for granted. Staying with my parents and blessed not to have to pay any bills, the money meets my needs for living. But when it comes to spending quality time with my friends, that time goes down the drain. Has this happened to you all before? You want to spend time with your friends but to do so you need to make money? Thankfully all of my friends are mature enough to understand, but I understand not everyone is that way. Some of your friends may not have jobs, do not have to work or get to do as they please with their schedule. Life tip, if a friend asks you why you are always at work; do not step in offense mode. Simple disregard the question in a respectful way or say I need the money to depend on myself. If you all can not come to an agreement with what best fits for both of you then it may not be your season of friendship.
LifestyleJul 22, 2019
Why are you always at work?
The summer time is a perfect time to catch up and travel with friends but it is also a great time to chase a check