I can't believe that I'm weighing in on this topic, I promised myself that I wouldn't bring it into the articles that I write for this website. But, as the national election draws closer and we find ourselves insanely nearer to the fact that one of two people might be our next commander in chief, I will. I understand that millions upon millions of people are upset about this election, with the accusations of cheating, lying and the DNC not doing their job by not giving Bernie Sanders the Democratic nomination. I understand, I totally get it. I'm a Bernie supporter and I always have been; I believe that Bernie is the better choice and the candidate that we need in this modern day in age. However, there has never been a better example of someone who has been under qualified to run for president in the US history of elections. And that man is...
Donald J. Trump. The most sexist person in the modern day media that we refuse to leave alone. Some people are rather upset that Donald's sexual assault victims from previous years are just now coming forward after decades of being silent. Some people are rather upset that Donald is being accused of rape. Most of us are upset about the words and quotes that come out of his mouth. Donald Trump has said the most disgusting, degrading comments about women, yet women still need to support him. So, my fellow women, here is what you're voting for:
26,000 unreported sexual assaults in the military-only 238 convictions. What did these geniuses expect when they put men & women together?- A real Tweet from Donald's Twitter
Donald Trump doesn't seem to take the very serious crime of sexual assault, well, seriously. It's like he's basically blaming the women, who choose to defend our country, but it's their fault when they are sexually assaulted and raped by their fellow soldiers. When men and women are expected to do the same amount of work for their country, but one can't seem to keep it together to keep their hands to themselves. But, you know, blame the women for being irresistible and wanting to be assaulted. You know. Logic. His very own ex-wife has accused him of raping her when they were married, but apparently, it doesn't count when you rape a spouse, because you know, you're married. There's a term for that: martial rape. And guess what? It's a crime!
Oh, you're also voting for this:
And this:
Excuse me while I go and vomit.