Growing up, I always wanted to be older. I couldn't wait to hit another milestone, often forgetting to appreciate the point I was currently at in life. I just wanted to be more mature, more adult. As I scroll through Facebook, I notice that to be true of many of my peers today. Girls I went to high school with are posting pregnancy announcements or gushing about how they are getting engaged. And although I understand that life sometimes throws you curve balls and you have to do your best to roll with the punches, if you had the choice, would you really want to grow up so quickly?
I don't know about you, but today, I find myself cherishing my youth more than ever. Unlike when I was 13, I'm no longer in a rush to grow up. Everyone in my generation is so eager to figure out their life right at this moment, find the person they're meant to be with right now and do big, adult things. But, honestly, it feels great to wake up in the morning in my childhood bed during a summer home from college and have my mom make me breakfast. To just bullshit around with my high school friends, not having to worry about the next day? To worry about studying and assignments instead of babies and bills? I understand that not everyone has that luxury, but if you do, wouldn't you want to take full advantage?
I'm not nearly ready to settle down yet, work the same job for next 30 years, get married and have kids. If you're 19 and you are, all power to you. I really do mean that in the least patronizing way possible, I commend you if you are 19, 20, 21 and have your whole life figured out and feel confident in your ability to "adult." Because I sure as hell don't. And that's OK. I will never be able to have these years again. I will never again be able to work a part-time, minimum wage job and only have to worry about paying for food and fun. I will never again be able to spend four days a week on the beach without responsibilities. I will never again have my parents still take care of me. I definitely know in the future I will have to grow up. But for now, I'm completely content with my youth.