Why Are Long Distance Friendships Worth It? | The Odyssey Online
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Why Are Long Distance Friendships Worth It?

We may be miles apart, but you are near and dear to my heart.

Why Are Long Distance Friendships Worth It?
Julie Mizenko

Dear best friend who lives many miles away,

No one ever said that miles between friends would be easy, but no one ever said that those miles wouldn't be worth it. Although long-distance friendships require a bit more work than normal friendships, they are completely 100 percent worth it. Of course being with your hometown friends all the time is awesome and all, but picture how bittersweet it would be to have someone from either in a different state or country who gets you just as well! Can you imagine setting up a time and place to meet up with them after, say, seven months to a year or even longer? Maybe you'd be meeting for the first time! Just imagine, the friend who you have who is usually miles upon miles away from you is now standing right in front of you. C'mon, that's pretty sweet and makes all those miles seem to disappear while you're together.

I have never been one to keep long distance friendships because I used to find no point in them until recently. This past summer while at the beach, I met this girl, Alexa, who lives in New York, and little did I know within an hour and a half she was one of my best friends. Since August, it has been tough keeping in touch due to school, work and normal social events, but there was always time made to talk to my Alexa.

This past month, Alexa and a few of her friends came to Pennsylvania to visit me and do some things around the area. Seeing her for the first time in seven months was probably the best feeling ever. Yes, having miles between a friendship is rough, but when you see one another again, the feelings throughout your body are indescribable; it's like you are whole again because a part of you lives miles away!

Having a long-distance best friend teaches you how to love someone who physically isn't always there. Have you ever heard the saying, "true friends are like stars, you don't always see them, but you know they're there?" Well, having a long-distance best friend is the prime example of that.

Thank you for being my best friend even though you're miles away, you've taught me more than I could ever repay you for! Who would've guessed that someone so far away, could understand me just as well as the friends I have at home? Becoming friends with you and discussing the pros and cons of living miles apart definitely is worth it in this friendship with you. Thank you for always sticking to your word about being only one call, text or Facetime away. Seeing your face and hearing your voice makes all those miles seem so small. I love you.

Until we see each other again,

Your best friend who lives many miles away.

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