Life at times as a college student can get to you, when you have tests, exams, homework, projects, quizzes, and multiple assignments to accomplish and complete. How about at times thinking about the weekend and thinking about what fun we can come up with to get our mind off school at times. In college, the number one priority is grades and having them to your satisfaction. But have you ever had the realization, how important it is to have sports in your college and to attend and support your school team?
Considering the fact that I grew up into sports, being in college I always had the desire to attend my university’s athletic events. When it is football season, you think of the weekend and how excited you can get when the football game comes closer and closer. Here is the key though, it is not about the days coming closer and no matter what sport it is. What counts and truly matters, is you as a college student, how you represent your team and how you show and share your team school spirit.
College can be rough, and it shows us how life at times can get complicated. At the same time, you have to find the ability of what you can make out of yourself. I believe sports has and can affect college students in a great positive way. Also too not many think of them, but how about the college athletes themselves.
Realize, they are still having the chance to play a game they enjoy to play and may have the eligibility to further their playing ability afterwards. Some of them may of scholarships and have their whole college education paid off, thanks to college sports.
Sports is what makes America unique in my belief, and as young college students, to be able to play the sport we love after high school I’m sure is an amazing feeling. To be a fan and watch our college teams compete and witness good sports, we then can realize there is more to college besides the crammed homework, tests and exams.