April is probably the worst month in the entire school year; it is as if the skies open up and down comes endless exams, papers, and abnormal amounts of reading assignments. You feel like you have caught up on your work, and then you look at your planner and realize you have about six more assignments due the next week. It is a never ending cycle of turning assignments in, and completing twice as many. April is the month where you are lucky if you get six or more hours of sleep a night. Your mantra for the month might consist of “sleep is for the weak” and usually you are right -- until you become delirious from lack of sleep.
It does not help that the weather is usually nice outside, and all you want to do is be outside relaxing in the sunshine. You tell yourself you can do homework outside with your friends, usually resulting in nothing getting done and a wasted two or three hours. However it is near impossible for you to relax when you have so many assignments to do and so little time in your busy life. All these assignments you are receiving at once seem pointless because in less than a month you are going to have finals; thus, adding more stress to your life. College seems to be a never ending cycle of stress eating, crying, and sleepless nights. Usually you can manage during the other months, but as soon as April hits it all goes downhill. Maybe this is because the end is so close and we can all taste the freedom of summer or maybe it is because your professors just want to inflict as much pain as possible.
In April, it seems as if there is no way you are going to be able to complete all of the assignments on time, but somehow you crank them all out. They may not be your best work but, hey, it is the effort that counts -- right? The library becomes your new best friend because it will force you to do work. You learn you cannot be on the loud floor because you will talk to your friends; instead, you have to lock yourself in a room to focus. All of your papers start to run together and you forget which one is due on what day, and what topic each one is about. But do not worry -- all bad things come to an end.
There is a light at the end of the darkest month in the school year, April. After all of the tests, quizzes, papers, and readings you can relax and enjoy the sunshine. You can go out with your friends and not worry about all you have to do. Once you hand in all your assignments you are free, for a little while. After the April wave of assignments you are free for about a week. Then the stress of finals come, but do not worry you will survive. You can survive anything if you get through April mentally stable.