Everyone always asks me what anthropology is once I say I am majoring in anthropology. Well anthropology is a really broad subject. There are four subfields within anthropology for all of those who did not know. The four subfields are: biological anthropology, archaeology, cultural anthropology, and linguistic anthropology. Biological anthropology is focused on the evolution and development of humans. This also is the study of pre-modern and modern humans. It is cool because you learn about the evolution of the pre-modern humans into modern humans. Who doesn't want to learn about how we used to be like monkeys before.
Archaeology is the study of the past and it's artifacts. So in archaeology we study past societies. The importance of studying past societies allows us to try to prevent problems in the future nowadays. Past societies teach us a lot about what mistakes to avoid by looking at their previous mistakes. Archaeology can teach us a lot about the history and development of people. How we started from not speaking any language to developing a language.
Cultural anthropology teaches people about culture and society. Cultural anthropology deals with religion and values that society holds. Without cultural anthropology we wouldn't understand religion and its development. Cultural anthropology tells us a lot about why people are the way they are and why society is the way it is.
Linguistic anthropology is the development of language amongst the human race. Through this study we understand how we learned to speak and how language began amongst people. Without this understanding the beginnings of language we would not understand how language became what it is today. Understanding how language developed also helps us understand how to teach it to people who do not speak the language we do.
Overall anthropology allows one to work for agencies wanting to understand a cultural region they plan on developing the area. This allows you to give the best approach for them on how to not disrupt the native population. Allowing then cultures to be preserved with in a society by not disrupting them by industrial influences. Anthropology allows you to learn about people and make you understand how everything is globally and how things effect one another. Everyone should be learning some anthropology to have a more global understanding and to truly recognize people for who they are. If you are interested in anthropology If you really think you want to study anthropology give it a chance because it will be the best choice of your life ever.