First off, I’d like you to understand that I’ve never been much of a political person. When someone asks me if I am a Republican or a Democrat, I shrug my shoulders and say I’m not into labeling myself. I tend to lean towards the party that I feel has the candidate with the best ideas and views. I wasn’t even registered to vote until I was 20 years old. I just made it a personal choice and I also kept forgetting to actually go and register. Sorry, folks. Could have been that deciding vote on Obama. All jokes aside, I’m registered now and I’ve been pretty invested this go around.
When Tennessee got its glory on Super Tuesday, I was asked that amazing question once again and I chose Republican. Why? Even though though the candidates are act like toddlers during the debates, I agree with their views more. Sure, I’d love free college tuition but realistically, that’s not going to happen. I casted my vote for Ted Cruz. Our votes aren’t secret anymore and I don’t actually care if someone knows who I voted for. Unfortunately, I don’t see Cruz running in the election unless something drastic happens. I also don’t see Bernie overpowering Hillary.
Now, you don’t have to agree with anything else I say. I’ve done my best to stay as quiet as I can on social media to avoid arguments. Up until now, I’ve been very much against the idea of Donald Trump running this country. I would like to see Cruz or Sanders in the position but as the numbers stand to this day, like I said before, I don’t see that happening. If it comes down to voting for Hillary or voting for Donald, I will be voting for Donald. I know, I didn’t think I’d ever say those words but after further research, it’s clear that he’s not the Devil. This is why I am and am not a Trump supporter.
Donald Trump is a boy in many aspects. Mouthing off and degrading women and mocking the handicapped are only a few examples of what immature teenagers do. Now, it could be a show to attract different sorts of voters or it could be his lack of respect for anyone that isn’t a privileged male. Regardless, it’s pretty tasteless. His wall is also a pretty ridiculous idea that will only cost the American people a huge amount of money and will most likely never even get built…just to keep people out. Before you go getting ansty and offended, please keep reading.
There are many reasons why him being president could be a bad thing. Most of them have to do with who he is as a person. The good part about that is he will most likely get his act together once he’s elected. I’ve seen many memes and articles about Trump and how awful he is. The only things floating around are the personality faults or his immigration policies. We’re not seeing all of his policies and what he stands for. If you’ve never looked them up because you can’t get around his yelling or his wall building, I suggest that you try.
In case you would rather protest and not look them up, I’ll list a few of the things he’s mentioned. Trump supports the right to conceal carry, he is against abortions unless the pregnancy is a danger to the mother or if it’s rape or incest, and he’s for education at the local level. No common core?! I can get on board with that. I want to tell you, dear friends, that writing in Pedro come election time will get us nowhere. Get educated and get involved. The numbers are pointing us to a Trump presidency and if the entire country is against the person in charge, I guarantee you that our citizens will run this country into the ground a lot faster that he ever could.
I’ve come to realize that God will lead the one in charge as he sees fit. We may not all agree and I’ll be honest that I’m not 100 percent for Donald Trump either. But between a man who has some growing to do as a person and a woman who is a consistent liar, I’ll take my chances on the man with some ideas in progress because God can surely shape him into who we need at this time.