When you think of Amy Schumer, what comes to mind? Rude, risqué, hilarious, or even dirty may be on your list. While some of those may be true, you can now add brave, confident and inspiring. Recently the comedian, and star of the best comedy nomination at the Golden Globes this year for "Trainwreck," Amy Schumer is speaking out about the negative scrutiny she has been getting from the public. I am not going to deny that her humor is something I would not necessarily want to show to my grandmother, however, it is very admirable that she has no shame in speaking her mind. Amy Schumer has the DGAF attitude that I think every one aspires to have.
"I say if I'm beautiful. I say if I'm strong. You will not determine my story, I will"
She said this at the Gloria Awards and Gala hosted by the Ms. Foundation for Women. At this event, Amy spoke about things from struggles with her body image, shameful sexual encounters, and lacking self-confidence. This inspiring statement can relate to anyone and shows her confidence she has hidden deep down.
Amy posted this photo to Instagram a few weeks ago, coincidentally the same night as the Victoria Secret Fashion Show, captioned "Beautiful, gross, strong, thin, fat, pretty, ugly, sexy, disgusting, flawless, woman." Posting this to her three million followers had to take an insane amount of bravery. Amy Schumer is not afraid to show the world who she is, she knows she is beautiful inside and out.
In recent news, a Twitter follower and what seemed to be a fan tweet, set Schumer off.
The public is attacking Amy saying that she is creating a double standard. While, in fact, she makes crude jokes about herself, but is it OK for someone else to do that to her? In my opinion, and Amy's, it most certainly is not. Amy's attitude towards this sort of attack was very brave of her. If a male comedian makes jokes about sex, alcohol or anything along those lines, no one blinks an eye. The minute a woman makes jokes even remotely inappropriate, people criticize her. I am not trying to go off on a feminist rant, that's not the purpose of this article, all I am saying is that it should be OK for people to have any sort of humor they wish and not to be criticized for it simply because of their gender.
Amy Schumer is a talented, successful, and inspiring young woman. I am inspirited with her self-assured attitude and her ability to speak her mind. She is an inspiration to all young girls, and even men, to simply be who they want to be.