If she’s crooked, then so am I.
After attending the Hillary Clinton rally in Columbus this past week, it left me feeling utterly inspired and hopeful. A number of young volunteers passionate about equal opportunities and rights left me with an idealistic mindset about what our country can be: which is great, something it has not been before. If you want love to trump hate, let’s cut to the chase:
Who: You, voting for Hillary Clinton.
Without you, in this election that steadily grows more important each day, a vote for no one is equivalent to being given to someone whose goal is to “Make America Great Again.” Sure, America is a land of opportunity and certain freedoms unlike anywhere else, but think about it, when was America truly great? Get back to me when you come up with an answer as to when all races, genders, sexualities, socioeconomic status, ages, and abilities had it equally “great.”
What: The 2016 election, or rather, the first election many of us can (and should!!!!!) participate in.
This election demands your presence. If you are contemplating voting, please allow me to try to make your decision easier: silence gives the power of the oppressor (shoutout SDLC). By that, I am saying your lack of a vote gives one to the man who is trying to amplify systemic racism that should only be one thing: attacked and a thing of the (unfortunate) past. This election is craving your insight and knowledge.
Where: The White House, but it starts at your house.
Whether it’s your home, dorm, honors house or sorority/fraternity house, it starts with you. Educate those around you about Her goals. She wants to make life doable for you and all of your Instagram followers. If she is the politician (or businessman) you think has lied to you the most, check yourself.
When: Now November 8, 2016.
Once again, the subject of education comes to mind. Educate yourself. Separate yourself from your parents’ opinions you heard growing up and question them. If you still agree, fantastic. If you don’t, ask yourself why. What has changed, or rather, formed your opinions? Is it the people you study with? Eat with? Date? Is it your incredibly intelligent dog you don’t see enough of? The time is now. You must educate yourself on what you want to see progress in this nation and who, at this moment in time, can achieve your goals in the most efficient way, let alone at all.
Why: Why I Am With Her.
Firstly, there is not a politician in the game who hasn't fed you lies. Accept and move on. Her ideas for the education system, ranging from public grade school through college tuition are relatable and possible. Her goals for small businesses to not be run over by large corporations are necessary. My dad owns his own small business and trusts me, the good days are good but the bad days, well, we need her help. LGBTAQ+ rights are a no brainer. Just look at who Trump’s running mate is. Checkmate. Gun violence is an epidemic. If you recall when the Constitution was written, it wasn't yesterday. Amendments include the word amend: (verb) definition: make minor changes in (a text) in order to make it fairer, more accurate, or more up-to-date. Hm, well if this doesn't describe how amendments are malleable then I don't know what will convince you. Lastly, she is someone who cares. She cares about you and your safety and health. She cares about your wellbeing. She may very well be more loyal than your companion (but not your dog, no one beats that). Give her a shot. She will help us build relationships, not walls.
We are stronger together; let’s prove that to ourselves this November 8th.